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The electrification of your lease fleet

About charging problems in the office and what you can do about them as a facility professional.

Everyone has a full battery

The business fleet is increasingly electrifying. In 2025, every new lease car will be electric, and ten years later, this will also apply to all passenger cars, and this comes with challenges. Many questions come together in car parks near offices. Are there enough charging points? Can the network handle it? Who has' priority 'at the charging station? Is there a parking space for cars that have finished loading? Meanwhile, employees do want to be able to charge their cars, especially when their car's battery starts to run out. You definitely want to be able to drive home at the end of the day, right? In this white paper, you can read how, as a facility professional, you can respond to the electrification of the fleet and the charging problems that this causes.

The white paper also answers the following questions:

  • What will happen about electric driving in the coming years?
  • What specific fleet electrification challenges are companies like EY struggling with?
  • What options are there that can solve the charging problems at the office?
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