With twenty years of experience as a consultant in the parking sector, we dare call Eddy Jongen an expert within his field of work. As of January 1st, of this year he joined the Toogethr team as a senior consultant involved with parking& mobility. In this article we talk with Eddy about the recent developments in our changing world.

What is the most remarkable change within the current world of parking?

‘A remarkable theme I have seen during the past couple of weeks is the reservation of a spot. That does not only count for parking but for an increasing number of functions in public life. Even though we were used to making reservations for a visit to the cinema or events, we still must get used to do so in other areas. Since last week we can visit the pub again, but it struck me as odd to make reservations to go there. Making reservations for a parking spot is not new, but I do see it accelerating. This is of course inspired by the social distancing we must maintain and by the fact we want to avoid sources of contamination as much as possible.’

Are there that many points of contact when you want to park somewhere?

'Recently checklists have been issued on a number of areas. Parking is one of them. They contain many points you must check as a car park manager, to make sure your clients arrive safe and sound at their destinations. Naturally, most of the attention goes to points of contact. With other people as well as material. At many parking garages you must touch a terminal to get in, and we have not even mentioned the payment terminals, elevators, and the like. Therefore, we see that currently much effort is put in phasing out the payment terminals, in contactless payment and in parking by number plate recognition. The latter is the safest way of parking: you can enter and exit without even opening your window and you pay in arrears, against invoice or by subscription. This way there is no contact moment during the parking transactions, and you do not even have to walk past a payment terminal.’

How about the six-foot distance?

‘That is a challenge too. We are already quite successful in steering with a shopping cart while avoiding each other as much as possible. But that is hard in a crowded parking garage. We are not used to stay in our cars until the cars to our left and right are empty. All checklists also assume that in the future not all parking spots will be used. This means that no more than two thirds of a garage might be used, with all the associated consequences. How do you go about the staircases and elevators? In large parking garages you can opt to use one staircase for people going upstairs and the other for people going downstairs. But that entails a lot for both the parkers and the car park manager.’

What can Toogethr’s parking management system contribute to this situation?  

‘Our system not only enables you to offer parkers the option of making reservations for a spot and to enter and exit contact free, it also provides analyzing options to you as a manager. The options enable you to see when it is busy and when it is less busy based on which you can adjust your operations. For example, you can lease out parking spots to third parties when it is less busy, the way it is done in the A’DAM Tower. Not only is this efficient, you also generate extra income which is essential especially now.’

Do you also play an advisory role?

‘Our parking management system provides you with insight and we can certainly advise you how to spread the strain at certain moments, and how you still can use your parking spots when it is less busy. Thanks to the insight you have, you can manage your capacity even better. Naturally, we will be happy to think along with you. What is nice, and especially during these times of economical uncertainty, is that the investment involved with our system is relatively limited compared to an entirely new parking system.’

Would you like more information?

Would you like more information? Or do you need advice concerning the mobility issues of your organization within the social distancing society? Visit our page about this matter or download the brochure below.