As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the pressure on the congested road network and public transport for the Munich region has decreased significantly. However, recent research by the insurance company HUK-COBURG shows that 67% of the respondents do not expect any change in their mobility behaviour due to the COVID-19 pandemic and will continue to use the car as their main means of transport afterwards. About 25% even said that the car has become even more important to them in the last six months. These figures show how important it is to change behaviour in order to ensure mobility in and around the city also for the time "after COVID-19".

Toogethr's mobility solutions for the Munich region

Much is being done in the Munich Metropolitan Region to improve accessibility to the city centre and mobility in the city centre. For example, 40 new cycle routes are currently being created, so that by 2025 at least 100 cycle routes will connect the different parts of the city. In addition, 400 one-way streets within the existing cycle path network of around 1,200 kilometres were recently opened specifically for cyclists. Carpooling (ridesharing), on the other hand, is still mainly aimed at consumers, so there is still a lot of room for entrepreneurial initiatives here.


Toogethr's mobility platform fits perfectly into these developments. The intelligent mobility solutions in terms of cycling, ridesharing and parking complement each other - and support already existing initiatives in the Munich region. In this way, Toogethr makes every company's mobility more efficient and more sustainable. This promotes the desired behavioural change that can help solve the existing traffic and parking problems.

Commuting by bike

Munich has set itself the goal of making cycling more attractive for its citizens.The recent expansion of the cycle route network and the construction of new cycle highways underpin this goal. The Toogethr Cycles app fits seamlessly in to the city's and business community's efforts to make cycling a more important element of commuting in the region.


Toogethr Cycles offers a safe transport solution and also promotes the use of bicycles for leisure. By accepting challenges, employees can challenge themselves and thanks to jointly planned (bike) rides, the cohesion among employees is strengthened. With linked incentives, Toogethr Cycles also offers concrete rewards that make cycling even more attractive. Of course, the app also provides an insight into the kilometres travelled. This is how the use of Toogethr Cycles within an organisation contributes:

- To achieve the set sustainability goals (less congestion, less CO2 emissions).

- Improve the accessibility of the company by limiting car flows.

- Increase the vitality of employees, as cycling promotes mental and physical health.

Responsible together to work

There is a large number of ridesharing platforms in the Munich region, but they are mainly aimed at consumers. Business initiatives, on the other hand, tend to have a hard time getting off the ground. Due to the more expensive housing situation in Munich, many employees are moving to the surrounding cities, so there is a good chance that ridesharing will be successful. With Toogethr's ridesharing app, every organisation in the region benefits optimally from the possibility to commute to work together in a sustainable way.


Toogethr Ridesharing connects employees of the same company and uses learning algorithms to determine the fastest routes and most practical combinations based on their daily routes and routines. Within a business community, incentives can further stimulate ridesharing, and by sharing rides to work, the Toogethr ridesharing app also reduces pressure on parking occupancy. With Toogethr Ridesharing:

- each organisation saves considerably on travel costs due to the joint trips,

- the bond between employees is strengthened, leading to a better working atmosphere and increased productivity,

- the company contributes to the reduction of CO2 emissions, as ultimately there are fewer cars on the road.

Flexible and intelligent parking management

A significant part of the congestion of the mobility network in the Munich region is attributed to the lack of parking spaces. The main problem here is not even the number of parking spaces, but rather the fact that parking spaces are not used efficiently. As a result, many employees park their cars in residential areas where exorbitant hourly rates apply. With Toogethr's parking solutions, every parking space can be designed flexibly and intelligently - with an optimal parking experience for users.


Toogethr's smart parking management software optimises the occupancy of each parking space based on data-driven decisions, processed reservations and payments while it also provides automated access for visitors. With smart parking solutions from Toogethr:

- ensure effective parking operations and an optimal parking experience for users.

- offer your employees more parking options by easily allocating your parking space.

- you gain continuous insight into the parking behaviour of your employees and visitors.


With our mobility platform, we contribute to a sustainable mobility offer for every organisation in the Munich region. Would you like to learn more about the benefits our mobility solutions can also offer your company? Feel free to contact us at any time or download our brochure - we'll be happy to think along with you!